Student’s reaction:
…I do engage in your performance, especially the final performance. You see, I am not trained to be an actor, we would feel kind of shy, usually in that situation, with lots of people watching. But at that day, I just forgot all other people, I don’t feel any uncomfortable and embarrassed. Even though some other students were laughing, but it had little effect on me, I just find a feeling of being alone, like I was doing meditating. In the performance one, we hold hands together, everybody connected very closely, like a couple of cells, we breathe softly, though we stood still, I felt we were moving as a whole.
…What you said about the energy is pretty difficult for me to understand at first. but with your explanation and performance going, I began to sense it.
Through the line, the dots like people, the bricks, I think this was the first time that I can even touch a 3D space.
…To use our heart to feel.. yeah, I like that feeling. I like to close my eyes, to touch, to hear, to feel, to smell..
…I recognize again that art is about emotion.
…Observing our life is important and think about everything. Not just finishing the task, but rather to open the mind and find something new.
…I always thought that art is only about my eyes and my hand. But now I realized I have to listen to my heart, to the sounds and the space too.
…Yeah, there is a relation between the body and art. They are connected. I have to increase my feelings and ideas about myself.
…Real art is what people can‘t understand. Now I understand more about the truth of art, it‘s about being touched.
…Both workshop-performances have left a deep impression on the minds of the audience and provoked them to ponder how they will behave in a newly challenging situation. I think the performances can put people into deep thinking.
>>Connections between a Performance directed by Jens Reulecke and Daojia Philosophy<<
– Essay by Professor Duan Yao –
…Reuleckeʼs work intends not to do anything to the external and phenomenal world, but is concerned with various experiences of nothingness in human-space interaction, interpersonal contact, and a simplicity of oneʼs inner life…