Installation production of space / Allthingsproject / NYC / 2011


Day after day I was walking around Greenwich Village looking for stuff people have dumped. Some of it draw my interest, so I brought it to the gallery and let it sit there untill I was ready to use it for my installation. These very simple objects made me think about a life focused on big gestures, great and precious things. – Did I use that trash because art can turn even rubbish into gold? At least that wasn‘t my intention. So what else was behind my concept? I think my concept has much to do with NYC. This city of glamour, wealth, indestructible material goods, it‘s breath-taking strength sweeping away everything that possess not that victorious presence, sweeping away the weak and the insignificant. But my material? Weak and insignificant! I picked it and used it, until it‘s strange appearance revealed something else. Behind it‘s blank appearence something else seemed to exist. It‘s lightweighty appeal did impact the scene clearly. Not by shouting, not by force, not by significance and not by self-importance. But rather by some kind of low-key representation. Rather intimate like a touch, like somebody recognizing you silently, like opening up a space to be, where evaluation is of no interest because of that other reality, that other space already attracting you. My installation emerging during my three-week-stay is reflecting more and more that hidden world. Hidden inside that glamourous world of NYC. Speaking quietly while everybody else shouts. Communicating via worthless recources about significant constellations of the hidden and the exposed, the strong and the weak. That other reality talking about opportunities appart from the established, normal life. Looking at some of the pictures I took from the site of “occupy wall street“, the signs of people sleeping and living on the street since middle of September, this improvised camp scenery – all that appears very potent and present to me, inspite of it‘s fragile, loose and limited nature. I regard myself preferably as somebody provoking awareness and asking questions, instead of presenting answers, by initiating something so that unusual and unknown qualities arise. – And sometimes it‘s just about leaving traces behind.

Material: 12 Photos (each photo: 30,5 x 45,5 cm), Polaroids, empty Polaroid Cartridges, Styrofoam, Paperbag, Plasticbag, Waterproof Foil, Tape, Cardboard, Shoelaces, Lampshade, Metal, Wood, Plastic Container, 2 Drawings and Needles.
